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22 June 2020 to 2 July 2020
US/Central timezone

Neutrino Non-Standard Interactions: Complementarities Between LHC and Oscillation Experiments

Not scheduled




We explore the complementarity between LHC searches and neutrino experiments in probing neutrino non-standard interactions. Our study spans the theoretical frameworks of effective field theory, simplified model, and an illustrative UV completion, highlighting the synergies and distinctive features in all cases. We show that besides constraining the allowed NSI parameter space, the LHC data can break important degeneracies present in oscillation experiments such as DUNE, while the latter play an important role in probing light and weakly coupled physics undetectable at the LHC.


We have explored the complementarity between neutrino experiments and LHC searches in probing NSI.

Primary authors

SUDIP JANA (OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY) K.S. Babu (Oklahoma State University) Dorival Goncalves (Oklahoma State University) Pedro Machado

Presentation materials