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22 June 2020 to 2 July 2020
US/Central timezone

Searching for sterile neutrinos and other beyond-SM physics at SBN

Not scheduled


Ms Guanqun Ge (Columbia University)


The Short Baseline Neutrino (SBN) program comprises three detectors —
the Short Baseline Near Detector (SBND), MicroBooNE, and ICARUS — and
promises sensitivity to a variety of new physics models proposed
to explain the perplexing short-baseline neutrino anomalies. This poster will
describe ongoing developments to assess the SBN sensitivity to new physics
using the SBNfit fitting framework, including making use of high performance
computing. Particular focus will be on searches for sterile neutrino oscillations
and searches for anomalous single-photon production in neutrino interactions
at neutrino energies of 0.1-1 GeV.


SBN sensitivity assessment to search for light sterile neutrino oscillations

Experiment/Collaboration SBN

Primary author

Ms Guanqun Ge (Columbia University)

Presentation materials