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22 June 2020 to 2 July 2020
US/Central timezone

Matter vs Vacuum Oscillations in Atmospheric Neutrinos

Not scheduled


Mr Jaydeep Datta (Homi Bhabha National Institute)


Atmospheric neutrinos travel very long distances
through earth matter. It is expected that the matter effects
lead to significant changes in the neutrino survival and oscil-
lation probabilities. Initial analysis of atmospheric neutrino
data by the Super-Kamiokande collaboration is done using
the vacuum oscillation hypothesis, which provided a good fit
to the data. Existence of matter effects is well established for
solar neutrino oscillations but not for atmospheric neutrino
oscillations. In this work, we did a study to differentiate the
effects of vacuum oscillations and matter modified oscilla-
tions in the atmospheric neutrino data. We find that magne-
tized iron detector, ICAL at INO, can make a 3 σ discrimi-
nation between vacuum oscillations and matter oscillations
in ten years, for both normal and inverted hierarchies.


ICAL can make a 3 σ discrimination between vacuum and matter oscillations in atmospheric neutrinos.

Experiment/Collaboration India-Based Neutrino Observatory (INO)

Primary author

Mr Jaydeep Datta (Homi Bhabha National Institute)


Dr Ali Ajmi (Kyoto University) Mr Mohammad Nizam (HBNI) Prof. S. UmaSankar (IIT Bombay)

Presentation materials