The SoLid (Short baseline Oscillation search using a Lithium-6 detector) experiment is devoted to study neutrino oscillations in order to investigate the observed deficit in the flux of antineutrinos measured by several neutrino experiment located at short-distance from the reactor compared to theoretical calculations. SoLid uses a novel technology which consists in a highly segmented plastic scintillation detector coated with Lithium-6 to provide a measurement of the rate of electron antineutrinos at very short baseline distances (6.4 meters) from the BR2 research reactor core in SCK-CEN at Mol (Belgium). This poster provides a complete overview about the background that affects the detector highlighting what is the standard background (mainly correlated and accidental background) for this kind of experiments.
Background studies within the SoLid experiment.
Experiment/Collaboration | SoLid |