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22 June 2020 to 2 July 2020
US/Central timezone

Quenching Factor Measurements for Germanium Detectors at Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory (TUNL)

Not scheduled


Mr Long Li (Duke University)


The Coherent Elastic Neutrino-Nucleus Scattering has been observed by the
COHERENT collaboration using a 14.6-kg CsI[Na] scintillator at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). This indicates a new way to build a compact neutrino detector and unlocks new channels to test the Standard Model. One challenge is to understand the neutrino-induced low energy nuclear recoils. It is commonly known that the signals from nuclear recoils can be quenched in many types of detectors, resulting in less light or ionization. Measuring the quenching factor is thus important for detectors which will be deployed at ORNL in the future. In this work, we will present the quenching factor measurements for germanium detectors at TUNL in the [0.8,4.9] keVnr range.


The quenching factor of germanium detectors at low energy is precisely mea- sured.

Experiment/Collaboration COHERENT collaboration

Primary author

Mr Long Li (Duke University)


Belkis Cabrera-Palmer (Sandia National Laboratories)

Presentation materials