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22 June 2020 to 2 July 2020
US/Central timezone

ZICOS – Neutrinoless double beta decay experiment using $^{96}$Zr with an organic liquid scintillator-

Not scheduled


Prof. Yoshiuki Fukuda (Miyagi University of Educaiton)


ZICOS is scintillator experiment for 0$\nu \beta \beta$ of $^{96}$Zr. In order to achieve sensitivity over $10^{27}$ years, ZICOS will use tons of $^{96}$Zr, and need to remove $^{208}$Tl backgrounds as observed by KamLAND-Zen one order of magnitude. For this purpose, we have developed new technique to distinguish the signal and background using Cherenkov light, and succeeded that 93% of $^{208}$Tl events could be removed even though remaining 80% of 0$\nu \beta \beta$ signal using Monte Carlo simulation. In order to realize this technique, we have to select PMT which receives Cherenkov lights. From recent measurement using $^{90}$Sr $\beta$ source, a clear pulse of Cherenkov light was observed among scintillation, and pulse shape discrimination was established. Here, we report current status and discuss about plans to demonstrate the background reduction and to observe 2$\nu \beta \beta$ decay of $^{96}$Zr.


New technique for BG reduction using Cherenkov light was developed for ZICOS scintillator experiment

Primary author

Prof. Yoshiuki Fukuda (Miyagi University of Educaiton)


Prof. Izumi Ogawa (Univsersity of Fukui) Dr Katsuki Hiraide (Kamioka Observatory, ICRR, University of Tokyo) Prof. Shigetaka Moriyama (Kamioka Observatory, ICRR, University of Tokyo) Prof. Takahiro Gunji (Tokyo University of Science)

Presentation materials