We are developing CaF$_2$ scintillating bolometers to search for for neutrinoless double beta decay of $^{48}$Ca.
We realized large scintillating bolometers using 312g(50mm$\phi$ $\times$ 50mm cylinder) of undoped and Europium-doped CaF$_2$ crystals with a readout technology of metallic magnetic calorimeters.
We used CaF$_2$ crystals with a large amount of internal $^{238}$U-series impurities to evaluate detector performance such as energy resolution and particle identification.
We found that the thermal signal amplitudes are strongly position-dependent in both CaF$_2$ crystals.
By analyzing the sequential alpha-decays (222Rn-218Po-214Pb), the energy resolution without position dependence was evaluated, and obtained to be 0.2% at 5MeV, in the case of undoped CaF$_2$ crystal.
In the poster presentation, we will present the results obtained with this R&D measurements.
Scintillating Bolometer with Large CaF2 Crystals for Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay of 48Ca