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22 June 2020 to 2 July 2020
US/Central timezone

Development of Scintillating Bolometer with Large Undoped and Eu-doped CaF2 Crystals for Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay of 48Ca

Not scheduled


Dr Sei Yoshida (Osaka University)


We are developing CaF$_2$ scintillating bolometers to search for for neutrinoless double beta decay of $^{48}$Ca.

We realized large scintillating bolometers using 312g(50mm$\phi$ $\times$ 50mm cylinder) of undoped and Europium-doped CaF$_2$ crystals with a readout technology of metallic magnetic calorimeters.
We used CaF$_2$ crystals with a large amount of internal $^{238}$U-series impurities to evaluate detector performance such as energy resolution and particle identification.

We found that the thermal signal amplitudes are strongly position-dependent in both CaF$_2$ crystals.
By analyzing the sequential alpha-decays (222Rn-218Po-214Pb), the energy resolution without position dependence was evaluated, and obtained to be 0.2% at 5MeV, in the case of undoped CaF$_2$ crystal.
In the poster presentation, we will present the results obtained with this R&D measurements.


Scintillating Bolometer with Large CaF2 Crystals for Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay of 48Ca

Primary authors

Mr Konosuke Tetsuno (RCNP, Osaka University) Dr Xiaolong Li (Osaka University)


Mr D.H. Kwon (Institute for Basic Science) Dr H.J. Lee (Institute of Basic Science) Mrs H.L. Kim (Institute of Basic Science) Dr Inwook Kim (Institute for Basic Science) Dr Minkyu Lee (Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science) Dr Saori Umehara (RCNP, Osaka University) Dr Sei Yoshida (Osaka University) Prof. Tadafumi Kishimoto (Osaka University) Prof. Yong-Hamb Kim (1Institute for Basic Science (IBS))

Presentation materials