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Calibrating the SNO+ PMT Array

Not scheduled


Ms Lorna Nolan (Queen Mary University of London)


SNO+ is a multipurpose liquid scintillator experiment based at SNOLAB, Canada, with a primary focus to search for neutrino less double beta decay of 130Te. The experiment is currently approximately half filled with liquid scintillator and taking commissioning data 24 hours a day. A variety of calibration methods are employed in SNO+ to ensure that the charge, timing, occupancy and systematic effects of the ~9300 PMTs are calibrated and understood. This poster details these methods, with particular attention to the timing calibrations and software based calibrations.


Methods for PMT-level calibrations in SNO+

Experiment/Collaboration SNO+

Primary author

Ms Lorna Nolan (Queen Mary University of London)

Presentation materials