22 June 2020 to 2 July 2020
US/Central timezone

Could the Hubble Tension be Pointing Toward the Neutrino Mass Mechanism?

Not scheduled


Miguel Escudero (King's College London)


Local measurements of the Hubble constant currently disagree with the high-precision value that is inferred from the CMB under the assumption of a ΛCDM cosmology. The significance of this tension clearly motivates studying extensions of the standard cosmological model capable of addressing this outstanding issue.
In this poster, based on ArXiv:1909.04044, I will show that the Majoron - a pseudo-Goldstone boson arising from the spontaneous breaking of a global lepton number symmetry and often associated with the neutrino mass mechanism - can help to reduce the Hubble tension. Importantly, I will also show that current CMB observations can constrain neutrino-Majoron couplings as small as 10^{−13}, which within the type-I seesaw mechanism correspond to scales of lepton number breaking as high as ∼1TeV.


A CMB search for the Neutrino Mass Mechanism and its Relation to the Hubble Tension

Primary authors

Miguel Escudero (King's College London) Sam Witte (IFIC)

Presentation materials