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22 June 2020 to 2 July 2020
US/Central timezone

Cosmogenic Background Rejection at the Short-Baseline Neutrino Program Far Detector Using the Cosmic Ray Tagging System

Not scheduled


Mr Christopher Hilgenberg (Colorado State University)


As the SBN far-detector, the ICARUS liquid argon time-projection chamber will operate at shallow depth and therefore be exposed to the full surface flux of cosmic rays. This poses a problematic background to the electron neutrino appearance analysis. A direct way to reject this background is to surround the cryostat with a detector capable of tagging incident cosmic muons with high efficiency, the Cosmic Ray Tagging System (CRT), which has been partially commissioned. I present a novel method for cosmogenic background removal utilizing the CRT and Photon Detection System in a time-of-flight measurement. Results from a simulation based study informed by CRT data demonstrate the power of the technique in rejecting cosmogenic events without adverse impact on the neutrino sample.


Cosmic background suppression using combined Cosmic Ray Tagger and Photon Detection System in ICARUS

Experiment/Collaboration ICARUS

Primary author

Mr Christopher Hilgenberg (Colorado State University)

Presentation materials