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22 June 2020 to 2 July 2020
US/Central timezone

Update on KM3NeT Detector Construction and Commissioning

Not scheduled


Dr Daan van Eijk (Nikhef)


The KM3NeT collaboration aims to build a cubic kilometer-scale water-Cherenkov neutrino detector. The detector is currently under construction at two separate geographical locations in the deep waters of the Mediterranean Sea. One location is off the Sicilian coast, where a sparsely instrumented detector will study the origin of high energy astrophysical neutrinos. The second detector site, located off the French coast, is dedicated to the study of inherent neutrino properties using a more densely spaced detector to reveal low energy atmospheric neutrinos. Similar detector technology is employed at both locations, consisting of 18 so-called digital optical modules (DOMs) positioned equidistantly along vertical detector unit (DU) lines that are anchored to the sea bottom.

This poster presents the current status and outlook of KM3NeT detector construction, as well as the ongoing efforts to commission and calibrate the detector using first data.


KM3NeT construction, commissioning and data taking is well underway.

Experiment/Collaboration KM3NeT

Primary author

Dr Daan van Eijk (Nikhef)

Presentation materials