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Low-Latency Algorithm for Multi-messenger Astrophysics (LLAMA) search for common sources of gravitational waves and high-energy neutrinos

Not scheduled


Mr Doga Veske (Columbia University)


For more than a decade, searches for common sources of gravitational-waves (GWs) and astrophysical neutrinos have returned null results. With the open public alerts of LIGO-Virgo during their third observing run O3 in 2019-2020, search for high energy neutrinos continued in realtime with IceCube. Here, we describe our analysis with Low-Latency Algorithm for Multi-messenger Astrophysics (LLAMA) which incorporates a Bayesian formalism with astrophysical priors to use the distance information from the 3D localization of GW detections for higher statistical power. Finally, we summarize our results during O3.


Realtime search for common sources of gravitational-waves and high-energy neutrinos

Experiment/Collaboration IceCube

Primary author

Mr Doga Veske (Columbia University)


Prof. Imre Bartos (University of Florida) Mr Stefan Countryman (Columbia University) Prof. Szabolcs Marka (Columbia University) Ms Yasmeen Asali (Columbia University) Dr Zsuzsa Marka (Columbia University)

Presentation materials