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6 February 2019
Big Room, Building 327 (formerly known as CDF Auditorium)
US/Central timezone


Morning session

6 Feb 2019, 09:00
Big Room, Building 327 (formerly known as CDF Auditorium)

Big Room, Building 327 (formerly known as CDF Auditorium)


Morning session

  • Katsuya Yonehara (Fermilab)
  • Mayling Wong-Squires (Fermilab)

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Michael Lindgren (Fermilab)
06/02/2019, 09:00
Katsuya Yonehara (Fermilab)
06/02/2019, 09:05
Gordon Koizumi (Fermilab)
06/02/2019, 09:10
Dennis Nicklaus (Fermilab), James Patrick (Fermilab)
06/02/2019, 09:25
Mr Consolato Gattuso (Fermi Lab ADES)
06/02/2019, 09:45
Mr Patrick Hurh (FNAL)
06/02/2019, 10:00
Mayling Wong-Squires (Fermilab)
06/02/2019, 10:25
06/02/2019, 10:40
Dr Venugopal Varma Varma (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
06/02/2019, 10:50
Dr Young Park (Argonne National Laboratory)
06/02/2019, 11:00
Prof. Spenko Matthew (Illinois Institute of Technology)
06/02/2019, 11:10
Prof. Sabri Cetin (University of Illinois at Chicago)
06/02/2019, 11:20
Prof. Donald Peterson (Northern Illinois University)
06/02/2019, 11:30
Jacob Reed (Lewis University)
06/02/2019, 11:40
Building timetable...