DUNE DAQ Hardware/Firmware/Interfaces Meeting

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DUNE DAQ Hardware/Firmware/Interfaces Meeting (22 Jan 2019)

Babak Abi gave a report on progress on the PBM

updated pinout and mechanical position to match Felix demonstrator
Working on routing
in two weeks - ready to send out for review in 2 weeks. 5th Feb. BA to send E-mail. DGC to forward to RAL in order to arrange design review

Joel Greer gave a status report on hit finder
match of f/ware and s/ware implementation. Matches in most regards.
no need to save state between packets

For more details see slides.

Kostas M. gave a report on pedestal finding and filtering

pedestal subtraction finished.
integrated with filter
some bug finding.
integrated hit finding block. Combined design can be simulated.


Erdem M. gave a report on Buffer management
40 channels. Enough for one APA
Logic at 200MHz, DRAM interface at 300MHz. AXI-Word length 512 bits ( on KCU105 ).
Sending to buffer DRAM in 2kbyte chunks
Keeping FIFO (in FPGA memory) to store length of chunks . Big enough to store data for 10-seconds of data.
Respect channel boundaries
Have time-out which allows less than 2k if data flow to input slow
Reading same amount as written.

EM to check that it is possible to fit a FIFO large enough to store 10 seconds worth of chunks.

Roy Wastie gave a short report on writing to SSD from Zynq ARM core. Looks like it will be necessary to write directly from FPGA fabric to approach theoretical speed.



There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 16:00 16:20
      Status of PBM 20m
      Speaker: Dr Babak Abi (Oxford University)
    • 16:20 16:40
      Hit finding testing 20m
      Speaker: Joel Greer
    • 16:40 17:00
      Firmware test framework 20m
      Speaker: Prof. David Newbold (University of Bristol / Rutherford Appleton Laboratory)
    • 17:00 17:40
      "Round Table" discussion 40m