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Mar 2 – 5, 2009
LIGO Livingston Observatory
US/Central timezone
Open Science Grid All-Hands Meeting March 2nd – March 5th 2009 <color=red> Note there are three agenda pages associated with this meeting. Note that the US ATLAS and US CMS ones have different protections. The main one here. US ATLAS US CMS </color? The Open Science Grid has experienced many noteworthy advances in the past year; The release of OSG’s 1.0 software stack, advances in monitoring and reporting of production utilization and reliability, the formation of new partnerships, steady growth in resources, and many other exciting improvements that our collaboration has cause to share and celebrate. The 2009 All Hands Meeting will bring members of the Open Science Grid together once again to communicate our successes, our challenges, and our plans for the future. <img src=""width="600"height="392"border=0> The meeting is being hosted by LIGO at its Livingston Louisiana Observatory (LLO), which is roughly half an hour’s drive east of Baton Rouge, Louisiana. The camaraderie, hospitality, and food in the Deep South promises to be exceptional again this spring. This year’s meeting will continue to bring focus to an assortment of workshops on topics covering site administration, virtual machine technologies, community grid computing, and VO management and security. The workshops are scheduled for Monday and Tuesday March 2nd and 3rd. The agenda will include a focused session on LIGO infrastructure and applications. US ATLAS and US CMS will once again having co-located workshops for their tiered distributed computing facilities. These workshops will share their registration with the overall OSG All Hands Meeting, but will provide separate planning and posting of their agendas. Plenary sessions will be on Wednesday March 4th. Presentations and discussions during the plenary sessions will cover OSG status and planning, infrastructure and other activities of which the OSG is involved. In addition, LIGO will give a series of presentations on the LIGO project, scientific mission, the LIGO Data Grid, LIGO data analysis, and education and outreach activities. New to this year’s All Hands Meeting will be the inclusion of poster sessions. Individuals are encouraged to submit a poster title at the time of registration. Posters presented at the meeting will be judged for merit to the Open Science Grid community with the winning poster to receive a LIGO souvenir of undisclosed value. Registration for the March 2nd – March 5th 2009 Open Science Grid is now open. Please note that there is an increase in the registration fee beginning February 14th, 2009 so please register early. We look forward to greeting you at the All Hands meeting! Kent Blackburn Conference Chair, OSG Council Co-Chair Ruth Pordes, OSG Executive Director
LIGO Livingston Observatory
19100 LIGO Lane Livingston, LA 70754