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2–5 Mar 2009
LIGO Livingston Observatory
US/Central timezone

Contribution List

58 / 58
Robert Gardner (University of Chicago)
02/03/2009, 09:00
Suchandra Thapa (University of Chicago)
02/03/2009, 09:10
Alex Sim (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
02/03/2009, 09:40
Alex Sim (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
02/03/2009, 11:00
Suchandra Thapa (University of Chicago)
02/03/2009, 11:00
Alex Sim (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
03/03/2009, 11:00
Ian STOKES-REES (Harvard Medical School)
03/03/2009, 11:50
Dr Maxim Potekhin (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
03/03/2009, 13:30
Alex Sim (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
03/03/2009, 16:05
Alex Sim (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), Mr Brian Bockelman (University of Nebraska-Lincoln)
03/03/2009, 16:15