The community grids workshop will be an OSG Blueprint discussion with an aim to invite views from a wide audience and to discuss these principles in the OSG. OSG is formed of communities and Community Grids. OSG manages a distributed national computing facility for data intensive research, drives activities with principles, and has been at the epicenter of original thought in Distributed Computing since its early days. Workshop will engage audience to brainstorm concepts, vision, principles, and lexicon of: Grid, Virtual Organization, Cyber-infrastructure, Cloud, Services, Distributed Facility, and the core aspect of Community. For Remote Access: EVO Password: OSG-MPR Meeting Access Information: EVO Phone Bridge Telephone Numbers: - Switzerland (CERN, Geneva) +41 22 76 71400 - Slovakia (UPJS, Kosice) +421 55 234 2420 - Italy (INFN, several cities) - Germany (DESY, Hamburg) +49 40 8998 1340 - USA (BNL, Upton, NY) +1 631 344 6100 - United Kingdom (University of Manchester) +44 161 306 6802 --------------- |