The site administrator’s workshop will begin with a plenary session to be followed by three parallel tracks covering focus on topics during the remainder of the day. The plenary session will consist of a series of short presentations covering various technical topics of interest to site administrators. There will be previews of the afternoon hands-on sessions covering topics such as security best practices for OSG site administrators, new tools for troubleshooting, and installation & validation of Bestman & xrootd storage elements.
For Remote Access:
EVO Password: OSG-AUD
Meeting Access Information: EVO Phone Bridge Telephone Numbers: - Switzerland (CERN, Geneva) +41 22 76 71400 - Slovakia (UPJS, Kosice) +421 55 234 2420 - Italy (INFN, several cities) - Germany (DESY, Hamburg) +49 40 8998 1340 - USA (BNL, Upton, NY) +1 631 344 6100 - United Kingdom (University of Manchester) +44 161 306 6802 --------------- |