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10–11 Jun 2019
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
US/Central timezone

Improving the spatial resolution of the ATLAS IBL silicon pixel detectors

10 Jun 2019, 10:25
One West (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)

One West

Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory


Spoorthi Nagasamudram


This project was realized primarily to test and improve the spatial tracking resolution of the ANL (Argonne National Laboratory) telescope consisting of the ATLAS IBL silicon pixel sensors and FE-I4 chips by making use of the test beam at Fermilab. In this paper, we will discuss the overall performance of the modules and how it can be improved. We will also discuss efforts made to improve the spatial resolution of the modules. In addition, we will also talk about successful attempts to simulate the spatial resolution of the modules using Allpix$^2$.

Primary author


Presentation materials