Monday Morning I
- Brenna Flaugher (Fermilab)
Nora Shipp
(University of Chicago, Fermilab)
10/06/2019, 09:10
The Dark Energy Survey (DES) is a deep, wide-area optical imaging survey in the southern hemisphere. The unprecedented photometry from DES has allowed for exciting science results on topics ranging from cosmology to our Galaxy. I will discuss details of the survey -- which completed its 5.5-year observations in January 2019 -- and highlight some recent science results from the collaboration.
Sidney Mau
(University of Chicago)
10/06/2019, 09:25
The Milky Way satellites are among the least luminous and most dark matter-dominated galaxies in the known universe. I present on a search for low-luminosity dwarf galaxy companions of the Milky Way in three years of data from the Dark Energy Survey (DES) and the Panoramic Survey Telescope and Rapid Response System (Pan-STARRS PS1). Together, these two surveys cover roughly three-quarters of...
Jason Poh
(University of Chicago)
10/06/2019, 09:40
Strong gravitational lenses are cosmic magnifying glasses that can be used as a probe of cosmic phenomena, like dark energy and dark matter. However, strong lensing systems are rare and complex, which means they are both hard to find and analyze. We present two important results in strong lensing science: 1) new deep learning techniques for finding and measuring strong lenses; and 2) dark...
Luisa Lucie-Smith
(University College London)
10/06/2019, 10:10
Dark matter halos are the fundamental building blocks of cosmic large-scale structure. Improving our theoretical understanding of their structure, evolution and formation is an essential step towards understanding how galaxies form, which in turn will allow us to fully exploit the large amount of data from future galaxy surveys. I will present a machine learning approach which aims to provide...
Spoorthi Nagasamudram
10/06/2019, 10:25
This project was realized primarily to test and improve the spatial tracking resolution of the ANL (Argonne National Laboratory) telescope consisting of the ATLAS IBL silicon pixel sensors and FE-I4 chips by making use of the test beam at Fermilab. In this paper, we will discuss the overall performance of the modules and how it can be improved. We will also discuss efforts made to improve the...