Monday Morning II
- Mark Lancaster ()
Prudhvi Raj Varma Chintalapati
10/06/2019, 11:15
The Muon Campus at Fermilab presently houses two experiments that aim to find discrepancies (if any) in the Standard Model. The Delivery Ring is a 500m circumference storage ring which is used to deliver protons to muon experiments Muon g-2 and Mu2e. Although these experiments are based on the same particle, they require different intensities because of their detector constraints. For the Mu2e...
Christopher Marshall
(Northern Illinois University)
10/06/2019, 11:30
A large dynamical-range diagnostics (LDRD) design at Jefferson Lab will be used at the FAST-IOTA injector to measure the transverse distribution of halo associated with a high-charge electron beam. One important aspect of this work is to explore the halo distribution when the beam has significant angular momentum (i.e. is magnetized). The beam distribution is measured by recording radiation...
Chun-Min Jen
(Los Alamos National Lab)
10/06/2019, 12:00
E1039/SpinQuest is the first transversally-polarized Drell-Yan experiment at Fermilab. SpinQuest data-taking is anticipated to begin this coming fall 2019. In SpinQuest, a transversely-polarized NH3 or ND3 target is employed with the unpolarized 120-GeV extracted proton beam from Fermilab Main Injector to obtain various measurements of transverse single spin asymmetries in J/psi, psi’, lambda,...