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3–6 Sep 2019
US/Central timezone

Participant List

21 participants

First Name Last Name Affiliation
Alan Bross Fermilab
Andrea Bersani INFN Genova
Chang Jung Ston Brook University
Davide Sgalaberna CERN
Don Mitchell Fermilab
Ed Blucher University of Chicago
Federico Ferraro INFN and University of Genoa
Guang Yang Stony brook university
hirohisa tanaka SLAC/Stanford. University
Lea Di Noto INFN and University of Genova
Leo Bellantoni FNAL
Luca Stanco INFN - Padova
Matthaeus Leitner Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Paola Sala INFN Milano
Robert Flight Univ. of Rochester
Roberto Petti University of South Carolina
Sandor Feher Fermilab
Steven Manly Universty of Rochester
Terry Tope Fermilab
Thomas Strauss FNAL
Vladimir Kashikhin Fermilab/APS-TD/MSD