Minutes and Action List of Sept 30 2019 ArgonCube2x2 Instalaltion Meeting
- Attendees: Jim, Gary, Min Jeong, Sai and Ting
- Gary's new layout is attached in the meeting agenda. Couple of comments:
- The uni-strut posts are used for AC power wire-way conduit from experiment power transformer. Racks are connected to the outlet plus from those wire-way conduit.
- We will likely to re-use this wire-way conduit for new "clean" AC power transformer to be designed by Linda.
- Minerva readout racks are likely to use existing experiment AC power
- We could keep the wire-way conduits on top catwalk for new AC power and the conduits under the catwalk for Minerva and service equipment
- The scheme to be discussed in electronics installation meeting
- We are thinking of moving the cryogenic condenser away from argonCube readout racks as they are on different AC powers
- Min Jeong is to look the option
- There is also a possibility of adding more hadron calorimeter modules to the downstream Minerva group.
- Jim to double check how many modules we can store in the storage rack upstream
- Jim also commented that the possibility of module damage during removal is very small. So we will not consider to store spare modules
- We still need to measure the dimension of the minos racks
- Most of the JHAs for module removal are already in the system. We need to approve all of them in couple of weeks.
- The electrical disconnection could be done through breakers connected to the experiment power transformer.
- With the power off, out electrical technician can remove the electrical conduit on the Minerva detector
- Steve to check on this with Dave Featherstone
- We decided to use scissor lifter for both module removal and PMT access during Minerva decommissioning
- training needs to scheduled with Angela for electrical technicians or students/postdoc
- Last week of October sounds a good time for the training class
- Jim asks MSB space to prepare strongback. Steve is to check with Aria about status of MSB cleanup work. We need the area cleaned up by next week
- It turns out we need to find a temporary storage space for veto scintillator
- We will look warehouses or Lab 6
- The scintillator plane is about 3" by 12" with PMTs attached at the end.
- There are 12 planes. They are movable -- on the wheel cart?
- We also need to find couple of storage cabinet to store Minerva electronics in the hall.
- Jim already has agreement about where to store the scrap lead. A storage box will be installed on the west side of the MSB room
- Summary of action task list:
- John,Jim, Steve and Angela to finish decommissioning JHAs
- Ting and Steve to talk to Clarence and Howard and writing JHAs on PMT removal
- Angela to arrange scissor lifter training class
- Steve to ask Aria to clean up MSB by next week
- Jim to double check the maximum number of modules we can put on the storage racks
- Steve to measure the Minos rack dimension
- Steve to check with Dave Featherston on required procedure for Minerva on-detector electrical conduit removal
- Ting and Jim to look storage space for veto scintillator
- Everyone look the decommissioning startup job list on the google drive and send in comments/additions etc.
- The link is on the meeting agenda
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