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Oct 17 2019 ArgonCube2x2 Electronics and Readout Integration

Disappearence room (WH13SW)

Disappearence room


Ting Miao (FNAL)

Minutes and Action Tasks from Oct 17 2019 Electroncis and Readout Integeration Meeting

·  Attendees: Clarence, Adi, Dan, Anne, Linda, Cindy, Steve and Ting

·  We agreed to move the three Minerva racks to the  downstream end on the west side under the catwalk at the location close to ArgonCube2x2 vessel (about 3m from the crossover bridge)

·  We will first pull the racks to the open space upstream, clean the racks and document the contents using rack-building tool

·  The three racks plus some XiLinx ArtyZ7 boards from Bern for LArPix readout and control will give us a  starting point of DAQ test stand

  • Ting will contact Bern group about ArtyZ7 boards and their chassis

·  Couple of issues we need to find out for the DAQ test stand setup

  • Computer server warrant issue for the existing Minerva servers -- talk to Geoff Savarage
  • Network setup: Giga Bit Ethernet there?
  • RS232 communication problem with updated Linux (SL8?)

·  The Minerva AC powers will be disconnected when we start the decommissioning. But we will keep the MINOS AC power lines open for DAQ teststand work

  • Ting and Steve to talk to John Voirin and Jim Kilmer about this

·  Steve mentioned that there is space limit for a new transformer. We may want to replace one of the MINOS transformers and use the space for the new low noise transformer

  • Steve is talking to Steve Chappa about obtaining SLED of MINOS hall AC lines

·  Linda and team will start design the electrically isolated wireway for the new AC power line. We will attach the wireway to the existing unistrut post for racks on top of catwalk on west side

·  It looks like the Minerva electronics disassembly task will start after Thanksgiving

  • Clarence will do a shift schedule to pull available students and postdocs
  • We will also trying to get electrical technicians for us too
  • Training requirement: NUMI underground, fall protection, aerial lift training including operation exercise for scissor life and extended boom lift (articular arm ones belong here

·  Next meeting will be Oct 31. We will discuss feedthrough design and existing AC distribution in MINOS hall

There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 10:00 10:10
      Status of action tasks from last meeting 10m
    • 10:10 10:40
      MINOS hall existing AC power - Single Line Electrical Diagram (SLED) 30m
      Speaker: Dr Stephen Hahn (FNAL)
    • 10:40 11:10
      Feedthrough design and grounding consideration 30m
      Speaker: Francesco Piastra (LHEP,BERN)
    • 11:10 11:20
      AOB 10m