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Development of Compact, Low-Voltage RF Power System Prototypes at SLAC

21 Apr 2021, 14:00


Brandon Weatherford


The RF power chain – including modulators and RF amplifiers themselves – is a major driver of capital and operational costs for any next-generation accelerator facility. For the current state of the art, RF power costs are likely prohibitive, and an order of magnitude improvement (in terms of $/peak kW) is needed. To this end, SLAC is developing a widely scalable RF source and modulator topology suitable for a range of commercial and scientific applications, to develop a diverse customer base and eventually leverage mass production of these devices to reduce costs. This has yielded multiple R&D programs in compact, integrated linac systems based on a modular, low voltage klystron topology. In this presentation, updates will be provided on SLAC’s prototype RF sources for these programs, and future research directions in this area will be discussed.

Presentation materials