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Indico will be down for maintenance on Thursday, May 16th from 6:00PM - 8:00PM CST.

27 November 2019 to 23 January 2020
Argonne Natl Laboratories
US/Central timezone
Joint appointment with Argonne. An expert on galaxy formation modeling and is a professor in the Dept. of Physics and Astronomy at Northwestern. The Argonne Cosmological Physics and Advanced Computing (CPAC) group has begun a collaboration with Prof. Faucher-Giguere's group. The collaboration covers a number of topics but the primary goal is to link knowledge of galaxy formation physics from small-box, high-resolution simulations to the very large-scale cosmology simulations carried out by CPAC. In particular, the goal is to generate a new set of subgrid models for the CRK-HACC code developed using scaling relations from the work done at Northwestern. We anticipate regular visits between the two groups and, in particular, by Claude-Andre as part of this joint appointment through NAISE.
Argonne Natl Laboratories
9700 S. Cass Ave. Lemont, IL