22–23 Jan 2020
Daresbury Zoom 457 718 5976
US/Central timezone

Participant List

33 participants

First Name Last Name Affiliation
Alan Grant STFC Daresbury Laboratory
Alan Muir Daresbury Lab (STFC)
Alberto Marchionni Fermilab
Alfons Weber University of Oxford and UKRI/STFC/RAL
Andrew Scarff University of Sheffield
Anthony Ezeribe University of Sheffield
Antonios Papanestis STFC - RAL
Benjamin Stillwell The University of Chicago
Christofas Touramanis University of Liverpool
David Warner Colorado State University
Domenico Franco Yale University
Duane Newhart Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory - DUNE ESH
Ed Blucher University of Chicago
Gary Barker Warwick
Georgios Stavrakis University of Liverpool
Giuseppe Gallo FNAL
Graham Miller University of Manchester
Gwenn Mouster Lancaster University
Hannah Newton STFC
James Mateyack Fermilab
James Wilhelmi Yale University
Janet Bishop Fermilab
Justin Evans University of Manchester
Kevin Koehler University of Wisconsin - Madison, Physical Sciences Laboratory
Ladislav Jakubec Fermilab
Leland Greenler Univ Wisconsin
Matthew Wright University of Sheffield
Nicola McConkey University of Manchester
Peter Sutcliffe Liverpool
Sebastien Prince Harvard University
Stefan Soldner-Rembold University of Manchester
Steve Kettell BNL
Zack Siegel University of Chicago