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Achieving Practical Applications of Quantum Computers

by Dr Matthew Otten (Argonne National Laboratory)

Curia II - WH2SW (Fermilab)

Curia II - WH2SW


Abstract: Recently, the Google quantum computing team claimed to have achieved quantum supremacy, carrying out a well-defined task on a quantum computer that would be intractable on classical computers. The task they performed this on, however, does not have clear practical applicability. Demonstrating practical applications of quantum computers is still an open problem. I will discuss our recent efforts to achieve practical applications of quantum computers, involving development of new algorithms calculating dynamics for near-term devices, methods for understanding and mitigating inevitable errors, and the use of classical simulations and modeling to improve hardware.  Dr. Otten is a Maria Goeppert Mayer Fellowship/Argonne Scholar at Argonne National Laboratory For remote viewers: Zoom URL: Zoom Meeting ID: 495 837 930