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6–20 Mar 2020
US/Central timezone

Iker de Icaza (University of Sussex)

Hi everyone, I'm Iker de Icaza, a third year PhD student at the University of Sussex in the UK. Based at Brighton, but I just came back from a long term attachment from Fermilab. These days I mostly work on SBND, but always with the mindset of laying out the best foundation so that DUNE can profit.  I'm familiar with the life at the lab and have experienced all the seasons; I understand the key aspect of building community, particularly amongst young and newcomers scientists. I'm constantly amazed by the progress achieved by the collaboration, particularly by its young members who pull most of the heavy lifting. I would like to thank Alex for the wonderful work he's done in fostering our young community, honestly I would just follow his path and guidance to keep Young DUNE along the same line.
