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9–12 May 2022
US/Central timezone
Join us shape the future


11 May 2022, 08:55
One West (Virtual)

One West


**This meeting is held virtually** Registered participants received the video conferencing link on Sunday, 8th May 2022.
Presentation Presentations by ROOT Third Session


Matevz Tadel (UCSD)


REve is a migration and extension of the 15-year old TEve for ROOT-7 and web-based graphics. Cling allows for experiment-independent implementation of physics data-collection interfaces and table-views. R&D work has been ongoing for almost 4 years and REve is now approaching the stage where it can be used to implement certain visualization applications. Main design ideas and development drivers, current status, and future plans will be presented.

Primary authors

Alja Mrak Tadel (UCSD) Matevz Tadel (UCSD) Serguei Linev (GSI Darmstadt)

Presentation materials