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21 May 2020
US/Eastern timezone

This workshop will kick off the studies in the EF group. The goal is to lay out our plans, in terms of strategy and activities, for the EF group and the EF Topical Groups. We will discuss the organisation of the EF group and TGs, how to communicate within the community (e.g. Slack, mailing lists, bi-weekly meetings, workshops), we also expect a summary of studies that can be considered as stepping stones for TG activities (e.g. surveys of previous or international studies, e.g. ESG results, Yellow Reports etc.) as well as overviews of ideas for studies that can be carried out for Snowmass 2021. We will also present plans for and use of letters of intents and contributed papers within the EF group, and the strategy for MC production. Talks will be given by the EF and TG co-convenors, and plenty of time is allocated for discussion with the community. 

Zoom connection:

Zoom password: 202021

Registration for this event is currently open.