12–14 Oct 2017
The University of New Mexico
US/Mountain timezone

nEDM with Liquid Helium

12 Oct 2017, 14:05
Noble Liquids Cryogenic Technologies I


Takeyasu Ito (Los Alamos National Laboratory)


A new experiment search for the neutron electric dipole moment with a sensitivity of δdn ~ 3E-28 e-cm, two orders of magnitude improvement over the current limit, is being developed to be mounted at the Spallation Neutron Source at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. This new experiment, based on the idea put forward by Golub and Lamoreaux, will be performed in superfluid helium at 0.4 K. Ultracold neutrons will be produced in situ from cold neutron beam using the superthermal process. Spin polarized 3He atoms will be used as comagnetometer. The neutron precession frequency will be determined using liquid helium scintillation produced by the products of n(3He,3H)p reaction. In this talk, after a brief introduction to the principle of the experiment, I will present the current status of selected R&D efforts, including: 1) generation of high voltage in liquid helium, 2) application of large electric field in liquid helium, 3) study of liquid helium scintillation, and 4) detection of liquid helium scintillation.

Primary author

Takeyasu Ito (Los Alamos National Laboratory)

Presentation materials