Please read these instructions before posting any event on Fermilab Indico

Indico will be unavailable on Wednesday, Nov 20th from 7-7:30 CST due to server maintenance.

Oct 12 – 14, 2017
The University of New Mexico
US/Mountain timezone

Payment Information

If you will be paying by credit card, a 3% transaction fee will be charged to you.  Thus the cost will be:
  • Early registration: $309 per person before Sept 1
  • Late registration: $360 after Sept 1
  • Additional banquet tickets: $52 each additional guest
Credit Card Payment Portal

If you will be paying by wire transfer, no transaction fee will be incurred.  Thus the cost will be:
  • Early registration: $300 per person before Sept 1
  • Late registration: $350 after Sept 1
  • Additional banquet tickets: $50 each
To pay with a wire transfer purchase order or by check, please contact Sandra Ortiz at 505 277-5900 or