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The FERMI(FNAL) network authorization method will be removed on Tuesday, Feb 4th at 5PM CST. See news for more details.

4–8 Dec 2017
Building 240
US/Central timezone


Timeline for each day

Before 9a Rooms are available for work at 6am. Breakfast is on your own. (For those who stay at Argonne guest house, you can get breakfast in the guest house restaurant or other ANL locations)
9:00a Morning Tag Up
The day starts with everyone in the main conference room at 9 for announcements, news, and introductions to new sprints, hacks, participants (this activity would be longer on Monday, obviously). After this, we start working!
10:30a Coffee arrives
12:30p Lunch arrives + 5-min announcement time! 
1:30p Default time for breakout sessions. However, they may happen at various other times as necessary (for example, at 9:30a after morning tag up, at 10:30a or 3p when coffee arrives, etc); see below for more information on breakout sessions!
3:00p More coffee arrives
5:00p Evening Tag Up (On Friday we'll start at 3:30pm for final presentation!)
Announcements, discussion, and demonstrations in the main conference room - groups that have finished their projects have the opportunity to announce/show their results to the group.
5:30p End of the day. Sprints can continue*. People can (should) self-organize into groups for dinner. Dinner is on your own (except for Monday, Pizza will be served in bldg 241). In ANL, food service is provided at the Guest House and some other locations