26–30 Oct 2015
Building 401
US/Central timezone

The meeting is located in building 401.

The LSST Dark Energy Science Collaboration will host its sixth semi-annual meeting, continuing a series that plays a vital role in the work of the collaboration. These three-day meetings are very active: the focus is on sessions that bring together different working groups to make progress on the most important challenges we face, with additional plenary sessions to ensure all members are up to date with the science program. To enhance this program, in our most recent meeting we held a special "Dark Energy School'' on the Monday before the meeting, as well as a "Hack Day'' on the Friday afterwards. These pilot projects were very successful in engaging junior members of the collaboration both in learning about LSST science and in acquiring the skills to design, implement and perform LSST analyses. We will host the next five-day meeting at Argonne National Laboratory October 26-30, 2015. This next collaboration meeting will come at a crucial time, as we will have recently completed our science and operations planning exercise and will be looking to get our next phase of work off to the best possible start.
Thanks to the support received from LSSTC and Argonne National Laboratory, this collaboration meeting is offered with no registration fee.
Building 401