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Indico will be down for maintenance on Wednesday, July 17th from 7-7:30 am.

PSE Open Mic

Scientific Glassblowing

by Joe Gregar (ANL), Kevin Moeller (ANL)

203 Auditorium

203 Auditorium

The scientific glassblowers of the Physical Science and Engineering Directorate will provide an interesting lecture highlighting their glassblowing capabilities. The glassblowing facility provides Argonne scientists the opportunity to acquire sophisticated custom glassware to assist them in their research activities. Topics that will be covered include: how they can help you get started on a new project, technical information about different types of glass, and how they fabricate glass tubes into useful and complex laboratory glass apparatus. During this informative lecture there also will be live glassblowing demonstrations taking place. Come see how Argonne's glassblowers work the magic of their craft by melting and shaping hot glass into useful scientific apparatus. Light refreshments will be served 15 minutes before talk.