Brian Sierawski
(Vanderbilt University ISDE)
Vanderbilt University is rolling out a new website, http://creme.isde.vanderbilt.edu, which provides access to an array of tools for modeling radiation-induced energy deposition in semiconductors. The site provides access to the creme86 and creme96 models, having taken over creme96 from the NRL website, which has been retired. The site so provides access to a new tool, creme-mc, which is a Geant4-based Monte-Carlo tool for modeling effects in smaller geometries and under other conditions than those for which creme96 is valid.
The presentation will provide a live demonstration of the capabilities of the site, along with time for user input and discussion about what features might be most useful in the future.
Primary author
Marcus Mendenhall
(Vanderbilt University EECS/ISDE)
Brian Sierawski
(Vanderbilt University ISDE)
Robert Reed
(Vanderbilt University EECS/ISDE)
Robert Weller
(Vanderbilt University EECS/ISDE)