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Indico will be down for a brief server restart on Friday Jan 24th at 5PM CST. The downtime will be 15min at most.

7–9 Oct 2010
US/Central timezone
State of the art detectors are the critical tool probing and understanding nature, not just in the physical sciences but also most other fields of science. This workshop will examine the challenges for developing and deploying new detector technologies to meet the needs in the national program of particle and astro-particle physics and other closely related fields of science. The DOE Office of Science, the NSF Division of Physics, and their university programs together share the mission of fostering and delivering research and development for novel instrumentation . The goals of this workshop are: o To survey the detector research and development currently being carried out at national laboratories and universities o To identify the areas of detector R&D that hold greatest promise o To identify current challenges and future needs of all stakeholders and discuss the future of detector R&D in the U.S. To submit a poster contribution, please select 'Submit a new abstract' from the menu to the left.
One West