T-980 Meeting - 2011 Plans, Pixel Status , 2005-2009 BNL analysis

Minutes and Notes for Jan 27, 2011 T980 Meeting:


T980 was hoping to take advantage of the March 7 power outage shutdown to run studies for 10hours but now plans have determined that the Tevatron cannot maintain a store and the period should be used to access the tunnel. This has bearing on 3 items.
  1. Time period to invite guests for studies.     T980 is going to ask now if every week 3 hours of EOS can be obtained.   After March 7 we will choose a time period (as long as Tevatron is still running) to pack potentially 2 or 3 EOS in a 2 week period to invite guests for studies.
  2. During the March 7 5 day shutdown it was decided to remove the vertical goniometer to replace 1 or 2 of the crystals with new ones.   Nikolai will contact V. Guidi to request a sister multi-strip be transfered to FNAL ahead of time to pre-bake it.   The removal and re-installation of the vertical will need to be efficient in time because there is only 5 days.  It will go through a 2 day bake in the tunnel.
  3. F17 Pixel----  It has been decided that work to complete the F17 pixel should be continued.  After talking to the (HEBC) Hollow Electron Beam Collimation experimenters,  it has potential to be used in a proton only store to look at effects of HEBC.  It should be installed in the original T980 orientation at F17 during the March 7 shutdown.
Priorities for EOS studies:
  1. Get Pixel working to see effects of CH and VR beam.  It might be helpful for determining CH points for QM and MS.
  2. Find CH for QM.
  3. Find CH for MS and determine if broken or usable.
  4. Get clear pictures for CH profile on pixel for either V or H plane.
  5. Demonstrate 2 plane crystal collimation.
Fixing E0 Hor Pixel plane:
  1. Carl and Ryan will build an additional CAPTAN box for a spare or double swap for E0. 
  2. Carl and Pixel guys will access E0 (1 hour needed) to check cables for hor plane.
  3. Ryan will need Firmware change to take care of proton loss offset.

Future applications of crystal collimation:
  • Nikolai mentioned that in the future T980 might want to put hardware in meson beam line to look at VR effects or muons in a crystal.
  • Other applications for pixel/crystal could be halo monitors, device for making parallel beams??

Viktoriya Analysis:
Viktoriya presented analysis of last 3 EOS which used the QM crystal.   She presented data that may demonstrate "Christmas Tree" effect pattern which indicates main plane of channeling is around 300urad on laser.   She presented zoomed in data and found that crystal bend was about ~220urad and CH width ~26urad.   During CH angles the E1LBNC went up and F1lBNC and B0PAGC went down which is good sign.  However, the LE0PIN signal also went up.  She also presented effects of CH eff for BNL crystal from 2008.   She used V. Prevatali Thesis equations to reproduce results for our mounds of data.   CH eff ranged from 33 to 68% which might be alittle low.  There was discussion about when the cut should be made to determine error function and maybe it should be raised.  This would produce higher CH eff and might be closer to reality.
There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.