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10–11 May 2011
US/Central timezone

List of registrants

37 participants

First Name Last Name Affiliation
Amitoj Singh Fermilab
Andre Bethea DOE JLAB Site Office
Andreas Kronfeld Fermilab
Bakul Banerjee Fermilab
Bill Boroski Fermilab
Chip Watson Jefferson Lab
David Richards Jefferson Laboratory
David Richards JLab
Don Holmgren Fermilab
Doug Olson LBNL
Frank Quarant Brookhaven National Lab
Frank Quarant Brookhaven National Laboratory
Frithjof Karsch Brookhaven National Lab
Frithjof Karsch Brookhaven National Laboratory
Helmut Marsiske DOE Office of Nuclear Physics
Helmut Marsiske LQCD-ext Project Monitor
James Vary Iowa State University
John kogut DOE
John Kogut LQCD-ext Federal Project Director
John Rosner University of Chicago
Jonathan Rosner University of Chicago
Julius Kuti UCSD
Julius Kuti University of California, San Diego
Kevin Regimbal High Perf Computing at PNNL
Kevin Regimbal Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Michael Barnett LBNL
Michael Barnett LBNL, PDG
Norman Christ Columbia University
Paul Mackenzie Fermilab
Richard C. Brower Boston University
Roy Whitney JLab
Ted Barnes DOE/NP
Thomas Schagel BNL
Thomas Schlagel Brookhaven National Laboratory
Victoria White Fermilab
William Boroski Fermilab
William Watson Jlab