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Neutrino Frontier Topical Group Convener meeting

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Minutes for Neutrino Frontier Topical Convener Meeting, 13 May 2020


Tanaka, Worcester, Sousa, Marino, Ward, Balentkin, Jones, Giunti, Parno, iPhone, Mocioiu, Yu, Link, Klein, Ochoa Ricoux, Fields, Koerner, Sanchez, Friend, Bowden, Machado, Denton, Coloma, Bernstein, Shoemaker, Strigari, Newby, Karagiorgi, Strauss, Wang, Himmel, Schmitz, de Gouvea, Messier, Littlejohn, Huber

Note takers: Diana Parno, Hiro Tanaka


  1.  1. General Announcements
  2.  2. Frontier Plan: Virtual Town Hall in late July
  3.  3. Frontier Workshop planned Feb-March 2021, 2-3 days 
    •  ⁃ Ideally in person. Will happen virtually if at all marginal
  4.  4. Topical Group Workshop Plans
  5.  5. Next meeting: May 28, 5 pm CT

Discussion of LOIs: 

  •  ▪ LOI call has gone out. Part of our jobs is to make sure to solicit LOIs from the community. There will be a call from the frontier but we will also need to provide individual encouragement from the co-conveners. Don't just ask your friends; think broadly.
  •  ▪ Should LOIs be held strictly to 2 pages? 
    •  ⁃ General consensus: Yes. We can be a little flexible about gray areas, but the longer amounts of text are for the white papers.
  •  ▪ Administration is considering pull-down menus for LOI submissions; not a huge priority since we won't have so many that we can't categorize by eye (especially since one LOI may overlap with several areas). We'll get technical feedback soon. 

Discussion of Workshops:

  •  ▪ Goals of Frontier vs Topical workshops
    •  ⁃ No strict rule for the goals. General feeling: It would be useful for each group to have met somehow prior to the Frontier Workshop in Feb/Mar  
    •  ⁃ Summaries of LOIs would be very helpful in November at the All-Frontier Workshop. It will not be practical to have all the workshops before then, but conveners can give digests.
  •  ▪ Do we have any help setting up virtual workshops, e.g. from APS?
    •  ⁃ APS meeting was contracted out to a private company; this was not cheap.
    •  ⁃ They signed a yearlong contract, so maybe additional meetings would not be too expensive. 
    •  ⁃ There is not much money available from DPF. Maybe some funding might be available from funding agencies?
    •  ⁃ Frontier hopes that most meetings will fall under 500 people, without extensive parallelization, and can be run as large Zoom meetings.
    •  ⁃ At this point, don't contact agencies individually for funding. An overall summary will be needed.
    •  ⁃ Frontier conveners will discuss this question with the Steering Committee.
  •  ▪ What strategies can we use to address overlap between topical groups and workshops? Ideas:
    •  ⁃ Hold some joint workshops
    •  ⁃ Ensure cross-talk between workshops so that the discussions are not completely separated
    •  ⁃ Try not to plan multiple workshops with identical focus. Note that duplication of topic doesn't necessarily mean duplication of reach.
    •  ⁃ Conveners of NF X can give updates at the NF Y workshop
    •  ⁃ We can discuss content among ourselves on some of our frontier calls
  •  ▪ Scope of NF01: The presented plan is for a workshop focusing on long baseline, but there will be additional activities covering atmospheric, reactor, etc.
  •  ▪ NF08 (Theory) is planning a small discussion meeting with representatives from other topical groups, and also a representative from the frontier conveners. NF08 will be liaising with Theory Frontier.
  •  ▪ NF10 (Neutrino Detectors): 
    •  ⁃ Mayly Sanchez, the Instrumentation Frontier liaison, can help!
    •  ⁃ Intense neutrino sources are covered in Artificial Sources (NF09), probably including beam monitoring. We should also keep in mind connections to Accelerator Frontier (Laura Fields is liaison)
  •  ▪ International venues: We will need to look at the practicalities here. International travel may be quite restricted for some time, even once things are back to "normal," at least at the labs. 
  •  ▪ Social distancing rules will be an important consideration for any in-person workshops.

Action Items for Frontier Conveners:

  1.  1. Give topical conveners feedback about whether there will be a pull-down or cascading menu for LOI submission.
  2.  2. Raise question of support for virtual workshops with Steering Committee. A broad overview will be very useful in this process.

Action Items for Topical Conveners:

  1.  1. Provide feedback on planned format of Frontier Town Hall in late July (see INDICO LINK HERE)
  2.  2. Provide community constraints in late July (e.g. dates of other workshops, collaboration meetings, etc)
  3.  3. Provide feedback on Feb-March workshop: Procedure for site selection? What are most important considerations for site?
  4.  4. Provide community constraints in Feb/March 2021
  5.  5. Actively solicit LOIs: Advertise broadly; be inclusive in our thinking; systematically include community.
There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 09:00 09:10
      Frontier Workshop 10m
      Speakers: Elizabeth Worcester (BNL), Kate Scholberg (Duke University), Prof. Patrick Huber (Virginia Tech)
    • 09:10 09:15
      NF01: Neutrino Oscillations 5m
      Speakers: Mr Hirohisa Tanaka, Prof. Mark Messier (Indiana University), Dr Megan Friend (KEK), Peter Denton (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
    • 09:15 09:20
      NF02: Sterile Neutrinos 5m
      Speakers: Prof. Alexandre Sousa (University of Cincinnati), Mr Bryce Littlejohn (Illinois Institute of Technology), Georgia Karagiorgi (Columbia University), Pedro Machado (Fermilab)
    • 09:20 09:25
      NF03: BSM 5m
      Speakers: Ian Shoemaker (Virginia Tech), Prof. Jaehoon Yu (University of Texas at Arlington), Prof. Lisa Whitehead Koerner (University of Houston), Pilar Coloma (Fermilab)
    • 09:25 09:30
      NF04: Neutrinos from natural sources 5m
      Speakers: Erin O'Sullivan (Uppsala University), Prof. Gabriel Orebi Gann (UC Berkeley / LBNL), Dr Irene Tamborra (GRAPPA Institute, University of Amsterdam), Yusuke Koshio
    • 09:30 09:35
      NF05: Neutrino properties 5m
      Speakers: Dr Benjamin Jones (UTA), Dr Carlo Giunti (INFN), Diana Parno (Carnegie Mellon University), Dr Lisa Kaufman (SLAC)
    • 09:35 09:40
      NF06: Neutrino interaction cross sections 5m
      Speakers: Prof. Baha Balantekin (University of Wisconsin), Jason Newby, Dr Jonathan Asaadi (University of Texas Arlington), Prof. Kendall Mahn (Michigan State University)
    • 09:40 09:45
      NF07: Nuclear safeguards and other applications 5m
      Speakers: Prof. Jonathan Link (Virginia Tech), Nathaniel Bowden (LLNL), Wei Wang
    • 09:45 09:50
      NF08: Theory of neutrino physics 5m
      Speakers: Prof. Andre de Gouvea (Northwestern University), Irina Mocioiu (Pennsylvania State University), Louis Strigari (Texas A&M University), Dr Saori Pastore (LANL)
    • 09:50 09:55
      NF09: Artificial neutrino sources 5m
      Speakers: Dr Alysia Marino (University of Colorado), J. Pedro Ochoa (University of California at Irvine), Prof. Joshua Spitz (University of Michigan), Laura Fields (Fermilab)
    • 09:55 10:00
      NF10: Neutrino detectors 5m
      Speakers: Dr Ana Amelia Machado (UNICAMP), Prof. David Schmitz (University of Chicago), Joshua Klein, Raimund Strauss