DUNE Data Management Meeting

203 (Feynman Computing Center)


Feynman Computing Center

This is the weekly DUNE Data Management Meeting. We discuss the Data Management Project for the upcoming DUNE experiment, and also data management operations issues. Attendees are people who are actually working on data management plus higher DUNE computing management as required.

Minutes of DUNE data management meeting. June 30 2020

Meetings going forward:  We will meet on July 7, we will not meet on July 14, we will meet on July 21.. 

Steve Timm's practice talk for ICHEP on the schedule for July 21.

There is some talk of swapping general DUNE computing meeting on Monday 9:30 with data management on Tuesday 9:00 but no schedule as yet.

Operations stuff:  we expect about 2 more weeks of data from protodune-SP before they have to drain their cryostat in mid-July.  They are taking huge amounts of data during the last couple weeks.  Includes the HDF5-formatted stuff from Kurt Biery and the BIN formatted stuff straight out of FELIX for Phil Rodrigues and Roland Sipos--this later stuff will be used to train software hit-finding and trigger algorithms.  Protodune-DP refilling their cryostat after the successful HV intervention but taking some photon detector data while that happens.

Problems with remote FTS @ CERN not able to query for the full list of dCache doors, M. Mengel has informed us of a fix which will be tried shortly.

We have info to onboard NIKHEF SE will assign that ticket to Wenlong

Teng Li (soon to be leaving), Wenlong Yuan, Steve Timm, and Nicole Avila met this morning to go over the existing grafana and kibana monitoring that Teng made.  We understand a lot more about it.  Contact has been initiated with Brandon White to make sure that the setup can stay operational once we make the OKD containers for Rucio live.  Nicole's summer project is to see if we can make most of the nice pie charts without dumping the whole Rucio database into ElasticSearch every night.  Will shortly contact Kevin Retzke for permissions to get into the elasticsearch testbed. 

No further feedback on the MetaDB requirements document written by Igor.  Will show some of this at FIFE roadmap meeting next Wednesday.  Igor is now working on the companion document of what it will take to replace the remaining SAM project functionality.





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