The D&I Topical Group will meet bi-weekly on Mondays noon-1pm EST to brainstorm ideas and plan for the upcoming activities. Please join us!
Community Input Survey Form:
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Meeting ID: 985 7931 6765
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Javier Duarte
Johan Bonilla
Amber Roepe
MuChun Chen
Ketevi Assamagan
Lauren Yates
Carla Bonifazi
Soliciting Ideas
Make snowmass itself more inclusive
Non-traditional path → More technical role supporting the lab, how to contribute to snowmass.
Bias towards outspoken folks
Make the “stakeholders” more explicit and inclusive
ToDo : Modify frontpage of “Who should participate?”
Perhaps we need to need to be the ones to find where someone can express an idea?
Need a “forum” for non-traditional people
Young community was not engaged with frontiers other than Energy Frontier
Have snowmass young representative in every group
ToDo : Give a slide to every frontier to address something like this
These will be similar to the townhall intro -
Presented the ethics guidelines to the group
Asked to give feedback
Moderation when there is large number of people
Freeform is <10
Choose topic of discussion from form online
Thinks that we should lay guidelines for townhall
Will send the microboone one slider
Make cookie cutter
Diversity slide
Guidelines for discussion slide
Single topic
Should limit to an amount of time
At the end we can create breakout rooms
We need a google doc!!!!