Minutes, NF topical convener meeting June 12, 2020
NF Town Hall: registration will open next week, end July 6, so we can know how many participants. Registration will be required for speaking.
Format: update from conveners, then comments on questions in 3 categories+ open mic. 2-3 questions per topic. Discourage plugs for specific experiments for this venue-- those are for LOIs.
Suggestions: remind everyone what an LOI is at the Town Hall. Make an LOI FAQ. Dedicated Slack channel for LOI questions.
Are there limits on Zoom numbers? Yes, depends on institution. We need to find out how many attendees and make sure resources are sufficient. Some issues with full international participation being disallowed by DOE rules and censorship; these issue now being discussed in wider Snowmass venue. Will follow overall Snowmass guidelines. Registration will be by Google form, to avoid access issues, and for convenience.
[Note later: international access problem is solved for online meetings].
Discussion on question categories. Converged on 2-3 questions per category.
Working Group Reports:
NF01: Peter Denton: Working on details of the workshop we’d like to have.
NF02: No report
NF03: Slides posted. Lisa Koerner reporting. List of liaisons for closely related groups. Feb 22 workshop at Pittsburgh. Confirmed with NF02 conveners.
NF04: Gabriel Orebi Gan: Getting a note out to encourage LOIs and working out time for workshop. Will converge next week.
NF05: Slides posted. Carlo Giunti: mini workshops in July and August. 1 Direct Neutrino Mass. Particle Theory of 0vBB (July 15) Nuclear Theory of 0vBB (July 22)
NF06: Baha Balantekin: identified time to start next week.
NF07: Jon Link: brief meeting last week. List of other groups to reach out to. Expect to see some emails soon.
NF08: Andre de Gouvea: meeting with all theory folks to determine what is our charge? Directions on workshops. No dedicated theory workshop but broad participation in others. Dedicated theory liaison to neutrino physics would be full time job. Will make minutes public.
NF09: Josh Spitz: Timing of workshop after LOI deadline. Soliciting from a few obvious groups. Attending joint theory meeting. Coordinating accelerators neutrino group.
NF10: Ana Amelia Machado: Scheduling meetings with other groups.
Still need liaisons for CEF, UF, AF.
Note-taker: Jason Newby