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1–2 Jun 2011
US/Central timezone

List of registrants

17 participants

First Name Last Name Affiliation
Alessandro Ratti LBNL
Alexander Valishev Fermilab
Ali Nassiri Argonne National Laboratory
Arup Ghosh Brookhaven National Laboratory
Bruce Strauss U.S. Department of Energy
David Lissauer Brookhaven National Lab.
Eric Prebys Fermilab
Ettore Salpietro Jefferson Laboratory
Giorgio Ambrosio Fermilab
Joseph Bisognano Wisconsin Synchrotron Radiation Center
Joseph Minervini MIT
L.K. Len U.S. Department of Energy
Nan Phinney SLAC
Peter Wanderer Brookhaven Lab
Rod Gerig Argonne National Laboratory
Shlomo Caspi LBNL
Thomas Markiewicz SLAC