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10–11 Aug 2020
US/Central timezone

Every half-decade or so the US high energy physics community engages in a planning process that looks ahead five to ten years to prioritize possible future directions and projects.  There used to be a meeting lasting several weeks in Snowmass, Colorado for this exercise.  Although we no longer have a long meeting there, the name Snowmass has stuck.  The previous plan was called Snowmass 2013, and we are now working on Snowmass 2021, which will culminate with a large meeting July 11-20 in Seattle and a report later that Fall.  Details can be found at the wiki

The planning is organized by "Frontiers," and we would like to introduce the Computational Frontier.  It is important that experiments and groups doing large scale computations be well represented in the Computational Frontier.  The main page in the wiki for this frontier is here:

The work within this frontier is organized into seven topical groups:

CompF1: Experimental Algorithm Parallelization

CompF2: Theoretical Calculations and Simulation

CompF3: Machine Learning

CompF4: Storage and processing resource access (Facility and Infrastructure R&D)

CompF5: End user analysis

CompF6: Quantum computing

CompF7: Reinterpretation and long-term preservation of data and code

Each topical group has its own mailing list and slack channel.  Details can be found at the link above for the Computational Frontier, where you will also find links to pages with details about each topical group.

In August 2020, we are pleased to invite the community to our kick-off Computational Frontier meeting. The meeting will take place (virtually) on August 10 and 11.  This site serves as the website for this workshop.  At the meeting, each topical group will present its charge and plans for gathering input from the community. We hope you will attend.

The ZOOM connection details for the plenary sessions and the parallel sessions have been pinned in the #comp_frontier_topics channel on the Snowmass2021 slack (instruction to join at bottom of

Registration for this event is currently open.