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10–11 Aug 2020
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CompF5: End user analysis

10 Aug 2020, 14:00



CompF5: End user analysis

  • Amy Roberts (CU Denver)
  • Peter Onyisi (University of Texas at Austin)
  • Gavin Davies (University of Mississippi)

CompF5: End user analysis

  • Peter Onyisi (University of Texas at Austin)
  • Gavin Davies (University of Mississippi)
  • Amy Roberts (CU Denver)


If you're looking for connection information, register to get an email with connection information.

If you run into any issues, contact us through our slack channel #compf05-useranalysis or mailing list.

Email, no subject, message body: subscribe SNOWMASS-COMPF05-USERANALYSIS Firstname Lastname

Presentation materials

Amy Roberts (CU Denver), Gavin Davies (University of Mississippi), Peter Onyisi (University of Texas at Austin)
10/08/2020, 14:00
Mu-Chun Chen (University of California, Irvine)
10/08/2020, 14:15
Marc Weinberg (Florida State University)
11/08/2020, 12:25
Alexander Held, Matthew Bellis (Cornell University/Siena College (US))
11/08/2020, 12:40
Matthew Bellis (Cornell University/Siena College (US))
11/08/2020, 12:55
11/08/2020, 13:10
11/08/2020, 13:10
Building timetable...