Differences in Intranuclear Suppression Factors: Why? How is it important?

4 Aug 2020, 11:30
Oral Discussion Leader Discussions


Jean-Marc Richard (IP2I,, IN2P3, U. of Lyon) Bingwei Long (Sichuan University)


The following questions are often raised when discussing the neutron-antineutron oscillations nuclei:

  • How well is known the nucleon-antinucleon interaction?
  • How well is known the antinucleon-nucleus interaction?
  • Is the shell model an appropriate tool?
  • How comes that the neutron-antineutron oscillation takes place mainly at the surface of the nucleus?
  • What type of final state is expected for antineutron-nucleus annihilation arising from neutron oscillation?

The above issues, and others, will be adressed during the discussion session.

Contribution Title Differences in Intranuclear SuppressionFactors: Why? How is it important?

Primary authors

Jean-Marc Richard (IP2I,, IN2P3, U. of Lyon) Bingwei Long (Sichuan University)

Presentation materials