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4 Aug 2020, 11:30


Tuesday Discussion: Differences in Intranuclear Suppression Factors: Why? How is it important?
Jean-Marc Richard, Bingwei Long

The following questions are often raised when discussing the neutron-antineutron oscillations nuclei:

How well is known the nucleon-antinucleon interaction?
How well is known the antinucleon-nucleus interaction?
Is the shell model an appropriate tool?
How comes that the neutron-antineutron oscillation takes place mainly at the surface of the nucleus?
What type of final state is expected for antineutron-nucleus annihilation arising from neutron oscillation?
The above issues, and others, will be adressed during the discussion session.

Thursday Discussion: Snowmass Strategies: Past and Present

Albert Young, Bhupal Dev, Georgia Karagiorgi, Gustaaf Brooijmans, Joshua Barrow, K.S. Babu, Leah Broussard, Yuri Kamyshkov

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Albert Young (North Carolina State University/Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory), Bhupal Dev (University of Manchester/TUM), Georgia Karagiorgi (Columbia University), Georgia Karagiorgi (Columbia University), Gustaaf Brooijmans (Columbia University), Joshua Barrow (The University of Tennessee), K.S. Babu (Oklahoma State University), Ks Babu (Oklahoma State), Leah Broussard (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), Yuri Kamyshkov (University of Tennessee)
05/08/2020, 13:30
Oral Discussion Leader
Building timetable...