3:00 PM
108: Accelerator Probes of Light Dark Matter (keV-GeV)
Alexandre Sousa
(University of Cincinnati)
Jaehoon Yu
(University of Texas at Arlington)
3:03 PM
109: Determining the Masses and Nature of Neutrinos
Carlo Giunti
3:06 PM
77: Quantum Sensors for Wave and Particle Detection
Enectali Figueroa-Feliciano
(Northwestern University)
3:09 PM
124: Lattice Gauge Theory for High Energy Physics
Baha Balantekin
(University of Wisconsin)
3:12 PM
126: BSM: direct and indirect searches
Ian Shoemaker
(Virginia Tech)
3:15 PM
61: Energy and Power and Time structure goals for Neutrino Frontier programs
Laura Fields
3:18 PM
81: Neutrinos and Computing: Preservation, Machine Learning, Uncertainties
Alex Himmel
3:21 PM
127: Searches for dark sectors
Bryce Littlejohn
(Illinois Institute of Technology)
Ian Shoemaker
(Virginia Tech)
3:24 PM
29: Low-energy precision experiments
Jason Newby
(Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
3:27 PM
51: Requirements for low background and underground detectors
Benjamin Jones
3:30 PM
97: Neutrinos as Probes of Standard and BSM Particle Physics
Baha Balantekin
(University of Wisconsin)
Carlo Giunti
Erin O'Sullivan
(Uppsala University)
Jaehoon Yu
(University of Texas at Arlington)
3:33 PM
115: Neutrinos, dark matter, and underground facilities
Gabriel Orebi Gann
(UC Berkeley / LBNL)
3:36 PM
110: Baryon and Lepton Number Violating processes
Lisa Koerner
(University of Houston)
3:39 PM
137: High and ultrahigh energy neutrino experiments
David Schmitz
(University of Chicago)
Erin O'Sullivan
(Uppsala University)
3:42 PM
119: HEP Workforce, Careers and Training